Spark the Spirit
Aryan Misra | 11 IB
Akkshansh Bagga, Muskaan Chawla | 11
SNS Gurugram
Project Titled as -
Enriching Humanitarian Values

The main purpose of our project is to highlight the importance of mental health and spread awareness about it. We work to remove negative stigma attached to mental health which includes stereotypes about mental illnesses and the fear of exclusion and discrimination towards those who do suffer from mental illnesses. We not only help people who are a part of the club but also provide them with proper tools and resources to help others in need.
Our club functions from certain principles. It’s through the 3 E’s as we like to call it. The first one is ‘Evaluate’, which means to understand and evaluate mental health cohesively and have a holistic understanding of it. ‘Empathize’ means being empathetic towards other people and having the correct tools to help others in tough situations and being empathetic towards oneself through self-care. ‘Express’ means to have free tools of creative expression and one of our main activities Express-O is named after it.
Our sessions cover everything from Day to Day problems faced by teenagers like Burnouts, High expectations to deep heart to heart sessions etc. We Have short insightful activities that help understand mental health better. Moreover, we help build in analytical and empathetic skills in our members by giving them situations to think about to equip them with the ability to help others. Lastly, we emphasise on kindness which we consider the most prominent virtue which is reinforced by our Kindness Challenges which we give them each week.